At the forefront of education, research and patient care: Semmelweis University¡¯s leading role during the coronavirus epidemic

3 Feb 2021
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The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted all aspects of life in ways never before seen in peacetime and 250-year-old Semmelweis University was no exception to the difficulties. Although the sudden outbreak of the pandemic did not allow much time for action, our institution armed with the experiences of a quarter millennium adapted to the new circumstances promptly, took up a leading role in the fight against the virus and has managed to turn the challenges into beneficial opportunities. Whether it was World War I, the economic crisis of 1930, the bombing of Budapest or Covid-19, the timely response and quick adaption to the challenges have made Semmelweis University a key player in overcoming daring times. In our article, Professor Dr. B¨¦la Merkely, Rector speaks about Semmelweis University¡¯s role in managing the coronavirus epidemic and laying the foundations of new directions in research, education and patient care.

In addition to the challenges caused by the epidemic, Semmelweis University has also been provided with an opportunity to reconsider its strategic concepts. The virus has directly affected all three pillars of Semmelweis University¡¯s mission: education, research and patient care. The new curriculum in medical education implemented in the academic year 2019/2020 needed immediate adjustment to ensure a seamless transition to distance education. New research projects targeting the coronavirus were launched, streamlined and brought under one umbrella. Patient care was restructured, volunteers were drawn in, new departments were created and the university provided the basis for Hungary¡¯s strategy in disease control. The experiences of the past year have reinforced Semmelweis University¡¯s role as a leading institution of biomedical sciences.

Leading Hungary¡¯s representative screening programme

Since Semmelweis University is the largest health care institution in Hungary catering to the health care needs of about 5% of the Hungarian population, it has played a decisive role in PCR testing, the treatment of coronavirus patients and conducting a nationwide representative screening programme.