Don's Diary
Monday: Collect 31 forms for the end-of-term feedback. Horrified to discover that they are all the same for lecture courses, practical sessions and tutorials. We are asking students to grade their...
Monday: Collect 31 forms for the end-of-term feedback. Horrified to discover that they are all the same for lecture courses, practical sessions and tutorials. We are asking students to grade their...
The Secretary of State for Education told colleges this week that more young people needed to reach "higher levels of achievement". But on the same day, a survey revealed that severe financial...
The first annual report from the Further Education Funding Council's chief inspector, which involved the inspection of more than 100 colleges, has concluded that the sector is "dynamic, responsive...
A fully-fledged inspectorate for monitoring standards in workplace vocational qualifications is to be established next April by the National Council for Vocational Qualifications. The NCVQ is...
A stark picture of university life in Nigeria was painted by Nigerian academic and Nobel literature laureate Wole Soyinka on his arrival in Paris this week. "The education system is dead," said Mr...
You are in mid-career and thought that the chance of doing postgraduate work at university, let alone Oxbridge, had long passed? Think again. Cambridge University has established a new postgraduate...
(Photograph) - Ian Skewis and Sarah Grochala of Strathclyde University's theatre group play the title roles in Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida at the university's drama centre. It is being...
High taxes do not discourage people from working, say researchers in the psychology of economics. The comments come a week before the budget -- psychologists are complaining that economists are not...
MPs have condemned the Government's efficiency scrutiny of public research laboratories as a waste of researchers' time. The probe may also have been "profoundly and unnecessarily damaging to their...
Max Perutz, the Nobel prize-winning chemist, yesterday attacked the theories of science proposed by philosophers Sir Karl Popper and Thomas Kuhn, dismissing them as being applicable "to only a few...
Cambridge University Students Union launched a charter for undergraduates and guidelines for graduate study this week. The union will use the charter, which sets out the standard of education and...
If you want to write a science soap opera, drama or serial there is money for you from the PAWS (Public Awareness of Science) drama script fund. The fund has been set up to encourage high quality...
Cambridge dons have voted to retain the eight-week term. Most universities operate a ten week term, often with a reading week in the middle. Lecturers were asked to vote on whether to introduce a...
Open University technologists have won a Department of Trade and Industry award for inventing an "intelligent" dressing which alters its pressure to adjust to blood flow through the wound. Paul...
A pioneering study published yesterday has calculated that the social cost of transport in London, including congestion, pollution and accidents, is Pounds 4.69 billion a year -- nearly Pounds 625...