Medics wary of Bottomley Pounds 40 million
Virginia Bottomley's announcement this week that an extra Pounds 40 million will be ringfenced for research and teaching at teaching hospitals has been given a cautious welcome at medical schools....
Virginia Bottomley's announcement this week that an extra Pounds 40 million will be ringfenced for research and teaching at teaching hospitals has been given a cautious welcome at medical schools....
The Labour Party attacked the discretionary awards system as "a national lottery with very few prizes" this week as Government figures revealed how scarce the grants have become. Statistics issued by...
Supporters of a university of the Highlands and Islands have this week launched a bid for a Pounds 20 million centre for the study of the Gaelic language and culture. Scotland's Gaelic college,...
The first review of the English funding council's quality assessment exercise by a subject association has found a "substantial lack of confidence" in the exercise. A survey by the History at the...
Liberal Democrat leader Paddy Ashdown yesterday committed his party to boosting the science budget to levels last seen in 1979. Giving the Save British Science Society annual lecture at Imperial...
Advertising does not pay, according to market research on potential higher education applicants. Interviews with more than 500 fifth and sixth-year pupils showed they paid scant attention to...
Balding but still in your early 30s? Head for Japan, where scientists have filed a patent for a hair restorer. Its name slips easily off the tongue if you are a bit embarrassed about asking for it at...
Patrick O'Farrell, dean at Heriot-Watt university, giving the laureation address for Raymond Seitz, former United States ambassador to Britain, also paid tribute to his wife, Caroline Seitz. At the...
An old girl of Girton College, Cambridge, has revealed the college's hidden war crime record -- eating swan as meat became scarcer. Diana Lorch, who was in the college in the 1940s, describes in CAM...
John Webster, chair of animal husbandry at Bristol University, told a meeting last week about the time his first application for research into animal welfare was rejected. He received the following...
Another great British invention has been filed at the Patent Office. Benjamin Simon has made a dual-purpose toilet roll -- it also deodorises the air. He has coated the inside of the cardboard inner...
Don Paterson is Dundee University's fellow in creative writing -- but then, you could probably work that out when reading his article in the staff newsletter on his creative writing workshop, which...
Aberdeen University, which celebrates its 500th birthday next year, is planning a host of celebrations throughout the world. These include a ceilidh at Edinburgh's Murrayfield rugby stadium: with...
Breakfast television has more to do with higher education than you might imagine. Those willing and able to watch The Big Breakfast at 7.25 of a morning will see blindfolded celebrities trying to...
Sideswipe no 93, is from Frederik Pohl's Drunkard's Walk (1960), sent in by Robert Dingwall, of Nottingham, set in a sci-fi university. "One needed a change of scene from the Halls of Academe every...