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Al-Bayan University

Baghdad, Iraq
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<闌虧弝け class="css-1enjqce">About

Basic information and contact details for Al-Bayan University


Al-Bayan University, founded in 2014, is based in Baghdad, the capital of Iraq and one of the largest cities in the Arab world.

The university offers both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees within the following faculties: dentistry, pharmacy, pathological techniques analysis, nursing, law and business administrations.

On campus, students will find laboratories, a library and cafeterias. There are also plenty of gardens and green spaces for students to relax in their spare time.

The university aims to create an environmentally friendly campus and the facilities, faculty and staff all cooperate to make Al-Bayan a green and environmentally friendly university. Cars aren*t allowed inside campus to reduce pollution generated through exhaust, there*s limited paper consumption throughout the departments and the university holds periodic conferences and seminars dealing with environmental pollution problems in Iraq, working on ways to resolve them or reduce them.

To get students involved, the university holds an Environmental Awareness Week, which includes a variety of student activities.

The university publishes a Journal of Al-Bayan University for Studies and Research, which is an annual multidisciplinary academic journal publishing the high quality peer-reviewed research articles in all fields of humanities and sciences from the university.

Al-Bayan University welcomes international students to its campus annually.

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