Although it took on its current name and structures in only 1984, Arturo Prat University's origins enable it to be counted among Chile*s Traditional Universities, which include those in operation before 1980.
Starting as the University of Chile*s outpost in the northern port city of Iquique in 1967, it became the Professional Institute of Iquique in 1981. It took the name of Arturo Prat, a hero of the naval battle fought close to the city in 1879, three years later.
Today it is one of Chile*s 17 state universities, serving the northern Tarapaca region. Its headquarters remain in Iquique, but campuses were established in Arica, Calama, Victoria, Antofagasta and Santiago between 1989 and 1991.
It defines itself as "of a regional nature, which seeks to contribute to quality academic education in all of its forms, with emphasis on the continuation of studies from the level of technical and professional training to postgraduate studies".
The 2014-20 strategic development plan had among its priorities "leadership in training talent at local and regional level".
Its students are spread across five faculties 每 business, health, legal and political science, engineering and architecture and renewable natural resources. A medical degree run in partnership with the University of Chile is planned to start in either 2020 or 2021.
Its research centres reflect its arid and mountainous regional environment. The Institute of Andean Studies has developed bilingual teaching in Aymara while others focus on the Scientific and Technical Development of Man in the Desert (CIHDA) and Research and Development in Water Resources (CIDERA)