The Federal University of Para赤ba (UFPB) is a public university which was founded in 1955.
It collaborates with the Federal University of Campina Grande to form the main university of the state of Para赤ba, Brazil.
The university*s main campus is located in the city of Jo?o Pessoa, the capital of Para赤ba. There are also campuses in Areia, Bananeiras and North Coast (Rio Tinto and Mamanguape), three of the state*s cities. Each campus is fully equipped with modern facilities and specialised centres for students to use to enrich their studies.
UFPB offers both undergraduate and graduate degrees in a number of areas. Students can choose to study in the following faculties: business, education, engineering, fine arts, health sciences, or liberal arts. Within each faculty are more specialised courses such as art, dentistry, medicine, music, and theatre.
Students are also given the opportunity to study abroad as part of the university*s exchange programme. UFPB*s Agency for International Cooperation is responsible for fostering and disseminating academic and scientific knowledge to other higher education institutions around the world. The agency is committed to developing strong international relations, enabling students to participate in academic exchanges in countries such as Angola, Bolivia, Canada, and Hungary.
Para赤ba is known for its tropical coastline boasting beautiful beaches and reef-lined dive sites. Meanwhile, the city*s historic centre is filled with colourful buildings, many of which have preserved the Portuguese colonial architecture. Here you will also find the S?o Francisco Church, built in the Baroque style and located nearby the Para赤ba River, of which the state is named after.