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Hong Kong Metropolitan University

Homantin, Hong Kong SAR China
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<闌虧弝け class="css-1enjqce">About

Basic information and contact details for Hong Kong Metropolitan University


Hong Kong Metropolitan University is located in Ho Man Tin, Hong Kong. It was first established in 1989 as the Open Learning Institute of Hong Kong.

It began as a distance-learning institution, but has been offering in-person courses since 2011.

It is made up of five schools: arts and social sciences; Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration; education and languages; nursing and health studies and science and technology.

There are nearly 50 student societies at the university including psychology society, computing society, drama society, film society, badminton society and social service society among others. The university also has a student society which acts as a bridge between the students and the university.

Hong Kong Metropolitan University joined the country's joint university programmes admissions system (JUPAS) in 2007.

It adopted the current name in September 2021 and offers part time and full time education both online and on its campuses.

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