Based in Karakalpakstan, an autonomous republic that occupies the North-Western region of Uzbekistan, the institute was initially a branch of the Tashkent State Agrarian University. It became part of the agrarian faculty of Karakalpak State University, before once again becoming a branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University.
Its four faculties reflect its specialism: the faculty of agribiology and plant production; the faculty of vegetables and fruit, technology of storage and processing of agricultural products; the faculty of zooengineering; and the faculty of mechanisation of agriculture and water management.
Two dormitories are available for female students, each sleeping 160 students. An annual competition for the cleanest room is held, with the winners named on the institute*s website.
Other facilities for students include an IT centre, a women*s council, a sports club and a health centre.