Vision & Aspirations
The Jockey Club College of Veterinary Medicine and Life Sciences (JCC) embraces the life sciences initiatives of City University of Hong Kong under the ¡°One Health¡± concept with a vision to create a centre of excellence in veterinary and biomedical education and research to enhance public health, food safety, animal welfare and help prevent and control infectious diseases in Hong Kong and the region.
The Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine programme (BVM), the first and only such programme in Hong Kong, is part of our One Health offerings and is preparing the new graduates for a career in the broad range of disciplines that make the veterinary profession such an exciting and rewarding career, with particular emphasis on training and research in food safety, emerging infectious diseases, animal welfare and aquatic animal health. This undergraduate degree is being developed and coordinated with the assistance of Cornell University, one of the premier veterinary schools in the world. In collaboration with Cornell, we have also been offering an interdisciplinary PhD research degree that is giving up to 30 postgraduate students the opportunity to spend time in Cornell labs.
The Department of Biomedical Sciences offers two bachelor level degree offerings that prepare new professionals to make a contribution to Hong Kong society in a variety of ways. Their very active postgraduate research programme offers over 150 students the opportunity for cutting edge research training in areas such as cancer biology, stem cell research, nano medicine and neurosciences.
We believe that with our continued collaboration with Cornell University we will be in a position to deliver one of the top twenty veterinary programmes in the next few years, our "20/20" vision, and will be able to have significant impact in research, learning and teaching for the benefit of all our students of veterinary medicine and biomedical sciences, and hence, make a difference to the local community and the Region.
Strategic Partnership
One of the great strengths of CityU's JCC is its collaboration with Cornell University's College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM), one of the most prestigious veterinary schools in the world. CVM is closely involved in the design of the curriculum, facilities and recruitment of teaching faculty. Cornell will also be responsible for quality assurance, and there will be opportunities for student attachments in Cornell and other sites in the US.
In addition, Cornell will ensure that JCC's curriculum and facilities meet the accreditation standards of the Australasian Veterinary Boards Council and the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. Accreditation will not only prepare graduates to work in Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the United Kingdom and Southeast Asia, but also to sit the qualifying examinations in Mainland China, and the United States.