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Lincoln University College

Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
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<闌虧弝け class="css-1enjqce">About

Basic information and contact details for Lincoln University College


Lincoln University College, Petaling Jaya, was established in 2002 as Lincoln College and upgraded to university status in 2011.

The university is one of the private institutions of higher education approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and Malaysian Qualifying Agency (MQA- National Accreditation Board).

It is situated in the cosmopolitan town of Petaling Jaya near Kelana Jaya LRT Station, which is 10 kilometres west of the capital city, Kuala Lumpur. There is a bus that runs directly from the campus into Kuala Lumpur city where students can go shopping, eat in restaurants and take in the sights of the city.

The founders and administrators are committed to helping the students achieve their potential in education, research and employment. They bring together almost 50 years of higher education, post-secondary education and language teaching experience. Their backgrounds include teaching, research and professional training.

There are 11 faculties including medicine and health sciences; dentistry; pharmacy; drama studies; nursing; business and accounting; hospitality; computer science and multimedia; engineering; science and social science, arts and humanities.

There is also an English Language Centre, Centre for General Studies and Centre for Foundation Studies.

The university has a number of collaborations with universities across the world including Huddersfield University, California State University, Haaga-Helia University, IIPD Maldives, RMIT University and Texas Wesleyan University among others.

There is a high percentage of international students at the university.

There are hostels on site for students to stay in while studying. The hostels have a number of facilities including a swimming pool, gym, WiFi and kitchen.

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