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National Pingtung University

Pingtung City, Taiwan
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<闌虧弝け class="css-1enjqce">About

Basic information and contact details for National Pingtung University


National Pingtung University was formed in 2014 through the merger of the National Pingtung University of Education and National Pingtung Institute of Commerce. The university*s four campuses are located in the Pingtung area of Taiwan.

The university offers a range of programmes and career paths for its students, including higher education, teacher preparation and vocational and technological education. To accommodate its variety of options, the university is divided into four campuses; the Pingshih Campus which covers science, music and visual arts, the Minsheng Campus which houses the university*s new administrative building, library and gymnasium. The third campus is Pingshang, which houses the college of management, and fourth is the Checheng Campus which is currently under construction.

There are seven colleges at the university offering a range of degree programmes from undergraduate to postgraduate level: management, computer science, education, liberal arts and social sciences, science, innovative and international college, and the Mt. Dawu College. Each college is made up of several departments which offer specialised courses from real estate management to computer science, applied Japanese, early childhood education and music among others.

The university provides a variety of university clubs and summer and winter social work activities. There are concerts, campus fairs, and competitions in drama, choir, karaoke and other activities throughout the year for students.

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