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National University, Sudan

Al Mujahideen, Sudan
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<闌虧弝け class="css-1enjqce">About

Basic information and contact details for National University, Sudan


Founded in 2005, National University, Sudan (NUSU) is based in Khartoum, Sudan*s capital.

NUSU currently offers a range of programmes within the following faculties: medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, medical laboratory science, nursing and midwifery, radiography, physiotherapy, health informatics and administrative science. The latter includes business administration, accounting, marketing and business information systems.

Graduates of the faculty of medicine, pharmacy and dentistry are all able to be registered by the Sudan Medical Council, and all accrediting organisations in the United Kingdom, Europe and the United States of America.

All teaching at NUSU is conducted in English, and any student requiring language support is identified at the outset and enrolled on English Language provision.

On campus, students will find a comprehensive library and impressive sports facilities.

There*s a Students Affairs Centre, which aims to help and guide students to achieve their goals, in both their academic and non academic activities. They offer career advice, which provides up-to-date information about the variety of occupations, fields of work, postgraduate courses and research opportunities on offer.

The university also has partnerships with other universities worldwide offering students the chance to spend a year studying abroad.

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