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Nguyen Tat Thanh University

Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
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<闌虧弝け class="css-1enjqce">About

Basic information and contact details for Nguyen Tat Thanh University


Nguyen Tat Thanh University is a multidisciplinary higher education institution. It has a campus with classrooms, laboratories, libraries and recreational areas.

The university is situated in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City, the largest city in Vietnam.

Academically, the university is comprised of six faculties: Faculty of Business Administration, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Faculty of Arts and Applied Sciences, and the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management. Each faculty is divided into different departments, which offer an array of undergraduate and graduate degree programmes.

The university places a strong emphasis on its international activity and has developed partnerships with more than 200 other higher education institutions in 20 countries around the world including the UK, Australia, Canada, Malaysia, Singapore, Hungary, and China. These partnerships enhance the university*s academic programmes and facilitate student exchange opportunities.

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