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St Marianna University School of Medicine

Kawasaki city, Japan
1201每1500th in World University Rankings 2024
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<闌虧弝け class="css-1enjqce">About

Basic information and contact details for St Marianna University School of Medicine


St Marianna University School of Medicine is a private university in the city of Kawasaki, Japan.

Founded in 1971 as Toyo Medical College, it is Japan's only medical university with a Christian ethos, as it is affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church.

In addition to medical studies, the school offers a degree in comparative religious studies.

The university is the first in Asia to be approved as a medical centre for the FIFA world soccer association, as the medical provider for the Japan national football team.

Associated medical facilities consist of four hospitals and one clinic, all but one of which are in Kawasaki City: St Marianna University Hospital, St Marianna University Toyoko Hospital; St Marianna University Advanced Breast Imaging Center, Kawasaki Municipal Tama Hospital and St. Marianna University Yokohama City Seibu Hospital. There is also a nursing junior college and a graduate school.

The curriculum consists of initial practical training in the first three years and clinical clerkship in the latter three years.

The Centre for the Promotion of Intellectual Enterprise pursues partnerships with research institutions and companies at home and abroad in areas ranging from genome and biomedical sciences to digital technology.

The International Exchange Centre opened in 2018 to form partnerships with universities worldwide, which so far has included institutions in Korea, China, the USA and Taiwan, as well as with other universities in Japan.

The university chapel houses 15 paintings depicting the Stations of the Cross and the resurrection of Christ. Its stained-glass windows embody these images in abstract form.

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<闌虧弝け class="css-1enjqce">Key Student Statistics

A breakdown of student statistics at St Marianna University School of Medicine

gender ratio
Student gender ratio
44 F : 56 M (1)
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International student percentage
1% (1)
student per staff
Students per staff
0.8 (1)
Student total
821 (1)

Based on data collected for the (1) World University Rankings 2024

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