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Universidad Nacional de Asunci車n

San Lorenzo, Paraguay
1501+ in World University Rankings 2025
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<闌虧弝け class="css-1enjqce">About

Basic information and contact details for Universidad Nacional de Asunci車n


The Universidad Nacional de Asunci車n, commonly known as the National University of Asuncion, is a public university in Paraguay. It is the oldest institution of higher education in the country and was established in 1889 in San Lorenzo.

The university offers undergraduate and postgraduate programmes across 12 faculties: law, medicine, mathematics, chemical sciences, medical sciences, dentistry, engineering, law and social sciences, economic sciences, philosophy, agrarian sciences, veterinary sciences, and the polytechnic school. It also has the institute of arts, languages, and social work.

The university has campuses spread across Paraguay, with centres in Pedro Juan Caballero, Caacup谷, San Juan Bautista, Santa Rosa Misiones, Caazap芍, Villarrica, Coronel Oviedo, Caaguaz迆, Paraguar赤, Villa Hayes, San Pedro, San Estanislao, Cruce Los Pioneros (Boquer車n), and Benjam赤n Aceval, in addition to the main campus in San Lorenzo and institutes in Asunci車n.

The Universidad Nacional de Asunci車n has formed partnerships with Taiwan Ching Yun University and Taiwan Taipei Medical University in Taiwan.

It is dedicated to research and offers various technology centres and research facilities for scientific investigations and postgraduate studies. It also promotes academic publications, including the ?emit?r? journal, which focuses on language, society, and education and is published by the Higher Institute of Languages.

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<闌虧弝け class="css-1enjqce">Rankings

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<闌虧弝け class="css-1enjqce">Key Student Statistics

A breakdown of student statistics at Universidad Nacional de Asunci車n

gender ratio
Student gender ratio
49 F : 51 M (1)
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International student percentage
2% (1)
student per staff
Students per staff
9.9 (1)
Student total
53763 (1)

Based on data collected for the (1) World University Rankings 2025

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<闌虧弝け class="css-1enjqce">Subjects Taught at Universidad Nacional de Asunci車n

See below for a range of subjects taught at Universidad Nacional de Asunci車n

Clinical and Health801每1000th

  • Medicine and Dentistry
  • Other Health