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University of Pittsburgh-Bradford

Bradford, United States
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<闌虧弝け class="css-1enjqce">About

Basic information and contact details for the University of Pittsburgh-Bradford


The University of Pittsburgh-Bradford, based in Bradford, Pennsylvania, was founded in 1963. It is is a regional campus of the University of Pittsburgh.

The impressive 470-acre campus is surrounded by the beauty of the Allegheny National Forest and nestled within the Pennsylvania Wilds.

Pitt-Bradford offers more than 40 majors and 50 minors and pre-professional programmes across a wide variety of subjects, including: business management, environmental science, engineering and forensic science.

Learning isn*t limited to the classroom as Pitt-Bradford. Students have plenty of opportunities to work side by side with their professors to conduct research. Many students get the opportunity to present their research at the Annual Honors Day, which is held on campus each spring.

Students are also encouraged to plan internships during their courses to get hands-on, practical experience and develop key competencies and critical skills within their subject of interest.

Pitt-Bradford is a residential campus, with the majority of students living on campus in one of their residence halls.

Students are encouraged to join clubs and organisations, which are formed by students and approved by the Student Government Association (SGA). There are academic clubs to support study, including history/political science club and pre-medicine club, as well as special interest clubs like the AngeliCal Pitches a cappella group and BlackBox Improvers improv team.

Pitt-Bradford is an NCAA Division III institution, part of the Allegheny Mountain Collegiate Conference. Students can join one of 14 sports teams, including: baseball, basketball, golf, soccer, softball, swimming, volleyball, tennis, bowling, and wrestling.

The woods and water surrounding the campus is every student's playground. Students can ride horses, hike, mountain bike, white-water raft and canoe to mention a few.

Pitt-Bradford also has partnerships with other universities worldwide offering students the chance to spend either a year or semester, studying abroad.

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