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Wheaton College (Massachusetts)

Norton, United States
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<闌虧弝け class="css-1enjqce">About

Basic information and contact details for Wheaton College (Massachusetts)


Wheaton College is a private liberal arts college located in Norton, Massachusetts, in the US.

It was initially established in 1834 as a female institution and then began to admit men from 1988.

There are more than 100 majors and minors on offer at the university in a range of subjects including astronomy and physics, creative writing, history, international relations, mathematics, neuroscience, sociology and women's and gender studies among others.

There are a range of facilities on campus for students including halls of residence, a centre for entrepreneurship, theatres, art galleries, research labs, athletic fields, outdoor tennis courts and an athletics centre. The athletic centre has a swimming pool, basketball courts, batting cages for baseball and softball, a gym and an athletic training centre. Students can get involved with a range of sports at the university including baseball, softball, basketball and tennis among others.

For extracurricular activities, there are more than 160 student clubs and associations. These cover a whole range of specialist interests and academic disciplines including ceramics club, debate company, the first-gen student club, history club, philosophy club and acapella groups among others.

Theme houses at Wheaton College are small communities of undergraduate students who are able to apply to live together if they have a shared interest or passion. Current theme houses include Art Haus, First Gen House, and Farm House although these do change each year depending on the different applications that come through.

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