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Articles by David A. Sanders 榴莲视频>
The British Museum learned it was wrong to brush off a whistleblower. Universities and journals should do the same, says David Sanders
The weaponisation of plagiarism allegations to remove Harvard’s president is no cause for celebration, says research fraudbuster David Sanders
Instead of focusing on the reliability of the data, I know first-hand that defamation suits become personal and career-threatening, says David Sanders
If Stanford’s now-departed president had fully faced up to dubious practices in his lab and insisted on corrections, his infractions of research integrity could have been forgiven, says David Sanders
The idea that humans’ inventiveness will always keep them one step ahead of computers may not turn out to be true, says David Sanders
When Purdue biologist David Sanders ran for election to Indiana’s senate last autumn, he assumed a commitment to evidence and personal engagement would give him traction. But while his pitch was well received on doorsteps, the system’s dark arts fended him away from the legislature’s threshold
大卫·桑德斯(David Sanders)表示,必须提醒记者和事实核查人员,科学概念可能很难用既简单又真实的语言表述
The pandemic has demonstrated that there are broad deficiencies in quantitative reasoning skills even within the academy, says David Sanders
There is still much controversy about whether the virus that causes Covid-19 was released from a laboratory. David Sanders considers the nature of ‘gain-of-function’ research, what it can teach us – and the safeguards we need to put in place
David A. Sanders enjoys a vivid account of the many crafty ways academics steal the words of others
Shocking lapses in scientific standards show why renewed scrutiny of existing literature and new anti-fraud measures are needed, says David A. Sanders
David A. Sanders enjoys a clear and comprehensive, if flawed, study of where science is going wrong and how to put it right
Dismissing plagiarism as a low-level academic misdemeanour ignores the potentially deadly consequences of letting cheating go unchecked, says David A. Sanders
大卫·桑德斯(David Sanders)认为,是那些有不当研究行为的人,而非揭露他们的人,伤害了科学。但尽管这位生物学家接受了自己身为数据侦探的角色,他希望更多的科学家可以分担这份不会受到感谢且具有法律隐患的责任
戴维·桑德斯(David Sanders)表示,拒绝合法作者应占的合理份额属于学术不端行为
Bias would be reduced if grant applicants’ capabilities were considered only after assessment of their anonymised proposals, says David Sanders
Academia’s exacting standards on attribution are spot on. It is their inconsistent implementation that is the problem, says David Sanders
Nearly 50 years since war on cancer was declared, declarations of victory remain a distant prospect. Here, six cancer researchers assess the lie of the land