Register for the THE India Universities Forum
Times Higher Education will host its first forum in India next month to discuss some of the key challenges and opportunities facing universities on the subcontinent.
The THE India Universities Forum will take place on 16 and 17?January 2020 in partnership with Amity University in Noida and bring together leaders from higher education, industry and government.
Nicholas Dirks, former chancellor of the University of California, Berkeley, will deliver a keynote speech at the event before joining Way?Kuo, president of City University of Hong Kong, and Barbara Wickham, director of the British Council India, in a panel to discuss how Indian universities can attract foreign academics and students and to assess the Indian sector’s determination to internationalise.
Meanwhile, Priyank Narayan, director of the Centre for Entrepreneurship at Ashoka University, and V.?Ramgopal Rao, director of the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, will explore how institutions in the country can become key players in innovation ecosystems and best develop an entrepreneurial outlook to attract research income from industry.
Alan Ruby, senior fellow at the Alliance for Higher Education and Democracy at the University of Pennsylvania, will provide an overview of public policy and higher education in India and China between 2000 and 2020.
A data masterclass will examine the latest THE data on the performance of Indian universities and debate the role and methodology of international rankings.