Joe Biden’s free college plan, having made the transition from idealistic campaign promise to fleshed-out legislative proposal, is?quickly attracting criticisms that may dampen its?prospects.
The centrepiece concern is?cost. College-related spending accounts for $300?billion (?216?billion) in a?series of?investments proposed by Mr?Biden – in?infrastructure, childcare and beyond – that together total $6?trillion.
Republicans have made clear that they do?not intend to support that kind of spending, likely leaving Mr?Biden the job of avoiding any defections among conservative-learning members of his slim Democratic majority in Congress.
The president is helped by signs that his approach is widely popular with voters. According to polling, of Americans back Mr?Biden’s idea of making two years of community college fee-free for all students.
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Another major question mark for the Biden free college plan comes at the state level. To ensure that states do?not simply reduce their spending on public colleges as the federal government pays more, the Biden plan includes a politically precarious “maintenance of?effort” provision.
It generally requires at least one dollar in new state investment in higher education for every three from Washington. And that 25?per cent requirement could drop as low as 5?per cent if unemployment rates climb in a particular state.
That large a match should seem attractive to states, said David Baime, vice-president for government relations at the American Association of Community Colleges. “It’s a very good deal for states that is being proposed,” Mr Baime said.
Recent experience is that states rush to cut education spending at times of economic stress. After the Great Recession of?2007, US states together sliced their higher education spending . During the current pandemic, state tax collections in mid-2020 were running levels of a year earlier.
The economic damage from Covid, however, looks less severe than the 2007 crisis, and the recovery now appears stronger, with most of the nation , in part because of Mr?Biden’s aggressive federal effort to provide relief.
Other challenges to the Biden proposal include the expectation of growing demand – from four-year institutions and their students – to justify excluding their first two years of tuition and fees, while making only community colleges fee-free.
In some places, that boundary is already getting blurred. More than 130 community colleges offer a?limited number of four-year degrees, while some four-year institutions grant two-year degrees.
Generally, however, two-year institutions serve students from lower-income and minority families seeking job-specific training, and the Biden plan is aimed most squarely at helping them.
Extending the Biden proposal to cover the often-wealthier students at four-year public institutions would mean “many multiples” of the plan’s current price tag, Mr Baime said.
The political attention and the prospect of relief come as community colleges face bracing headwinds. Their enrolments dropped by more than 10?per cent during the pandemic, while the rest of US higher education largely held steady or suffered minor declines, with much of that a result of Covid-related restrictions on foreign enrolment.
“The enrolment struggles of the moment hopefully will pass with the pandemic,” Mr Baime said. And in Congress, he said, Democrats were expected to ultimately exercise their majority to pass much of what Mr Biden has proposed.
“There are all sorts of politics associated with that,” Mr Baime acknowledged. But, he said: “We think there is a very good possibility of this being included in legislation later this year.”
Print headline:?Free college plan hits split Congress